WIPO Young Experts Program

WIPO Young Experts Program

World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO has launched, for the first time this year, a program for young professionals in the field of intellectual property.

Program lasts for two years at WIPO in Switzerland and will enable young professionals to understand the technical aspects of intellectual property protection, but also to apply them in practice, with the aim of improving this area in their countries of origin. The program is innovative and creative, kind of career camp, and it is a great opportunity for young talents who already have interests and basic knowledge in the field of protection of intellectual property rights.

Candidates up to the age of 35 can apply to participate in the program, and applications are open until November 19, 2021.

All information can be found on the page: https://www.wipo.int/jobs/en/young-experts-program.html , and if you have any additional questions, WIPO invites you to fill out this form: https://www3.wipo.int/contact/en/area.jsp?area=young_experts_program

Good luck!