28 May European Research and Innovation Days
The European Commission will hold European Research and Innovation Days this year as well. In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year it will also be a completely virtual event and will take place on June 23 and 24, 2021.
This is the most important annual event of the European Commission in this field, which brings together researchers, entrepreneurs, administrators and the general public in order to develop a debate on the future of research and innovation in Europe and the world. This year, the focus will be on the new European research and innovation funding program – Horizon Europe.
Create your own program by choosing the sessions you want to follow, from high-level plenaries to extensive panel discussions on topics such as recovery after COVID-19, the European Research Area, digitization, a green future and more.
European Research and Innovation Days offer you a unique opportunity to engage in conversations that can produce real change. Questions will be raised about where we are at the moment and what kind of future we want to live in. The previous year has shown us that now is the right time for us all to get involved!
For more information, program and registration, visit: https://ec.europa.eu/research-and-innovation/en/events/upcoming-events/research-innovation-days