22 Mar EU Knowledge Valorisation Week 2022
EU Knowledge Valorisation Week is a virtual event that will take place from March 29 to April 1, 2022, with the aim to translate research and innovation results into real, tangible solutions – products and services. The event will bring together stakeholders and policy makers from across Europe and present the best examples of policies and tools that promote the uptake of research results for the benefit of industry and society altogether.
The organization of the event was greatly helped by various universities, business associations, research and art institutions, sharing their own examples of good practices, which give the desired results.
The event especially supports the European Year of the Youth and represents a unique opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, peer learning and discussions, but also the reform of valorization of knowledge, innovation, and entrepreneurship. there is a focus on initiatives that foster entrepreneurial mindsets and activities among the young generation, in line with the European strategy for universities.
The EU Knowledge Valorisation Week is organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General Research and Innovation, EU Member States, and EEA countries.
Applications are open until March 30, and all information about the program, agenda and application link can be found on the page: https://ec.europa.eu/info/events/eu-knowledge-valorisation-week-2022-2022-mar-29_en