Centar za transfer tehnologije http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/ Univerzitet u Beogradu Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:13:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 Međunarodna konferencija o transferu tehnologije http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/medjunarodna-konferencija-o-transferu-tehnologije-2/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/medjunarodna-konferencija-o-transferu-tehnologije-2/#respond Thu, 20 Jul 2023 08:13:50 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/medjunarodna-konferencija-o-transferu-tehnologije-2/ Institut “Jožef Stefan” (Slovenija) organizuje šesnaestu međunarodnu Konferenciju o transferu tehnologije, 11. oktobra 2023. godine, koja će delimično imati hibridni format. Konferencija je namenjena promociji i jačanju razmene znanja između akademske zajednice i predstavnika industrije, a ove godine se održava pod okriljem kampanje Evropske komisije...

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Institut “Jožef Stefan” (Slovenija) organizuje šesnaestu međunarodnu Konferenciju o transferu tehnologije, 11. oktobra 2023. godine, koja će delimično imati hibridni format. Konferencija je namenjena promociji i jačanju razmene znanja između akademske zajednice i predstavnika industrije, a ove godine se održava pod okriljem kampanje Evropske komisije za podizanje svesti o valorizaciji znanja.

Konferencija okuplja predstavnike tri ciljne grupe: eksperte iz oblasti transfera znanja koji mogu podeliti bogato iskustvo, istraživače koji žele da iznesu svoje znanje na tržište, i predstavnike kompanija koje aktivno zagovaraju važnost transfera znanja za njihovo poslovanje.

Od posebnog značaja za istraživače jeste otvoren poziv za podnošenje radova iz oblasti transfera tehnologije ili zaštite intelektualne svojine (koji moraju biti zasnovani na konkretnim primerima iz prakse i dopunjeni planiranim modelom licenciranja ili spin-out poslovnog modela), kao i mogućnost prijavljivanja za konferencijsku nagradu za najbolju inovaciju javnih istraživačkih organizacija (dve organizacije dobijaju nagradu od 2500 evra).

Istraživački radovi (max 4 stranice) treba da se bave nekom od sledećih tema:

  • uspostavljanje strategije za efikasno upravljanje intelektualnom svojinom;
  • upravljanje intelektualnom svojinom u zajedničkim istraživačkim i inovacionim projektima;
  • put od zaštite intelektualne svojine do tržišta;
  • ključni faktori za uspešan transfer tehnologije iz različitih aspekata (istraživača, industrije, eksperata za transfer tehnologije);
  • uloga Kancelarija/Centara za transfer tehnologije u maksimiziranju uticaja nauke, tehnologije i inovacija na društvo;
  • primeri zaštite intelektualne svojine u oblasti veštačke inteligencije;
  • drugo, po izboru saradnika.

Do 10. avgusta neophodno je popuniti obrazac za preliminarnu registraciju, a do 17. avgusta je krajnji rok za podnošenje kompletnih radova.

Sve dodatne informacije o podnošenju radova, kao i zbornici sa prethodnih konferencija, mogu se pronaći ovde.

Što se tiče konferencijske nagrade za najbolju inovaciju javnih istraživačkih organizacija, akcenat konkursa je na predstavljanju poslovnih predloga tehnologija pred stručnom komisijom koju čine investitori i stručnjaci za komercijalizaciju. Komisija će proceniti komercijalni potencijal predstavljenih tehnologija i nagraditi dva najbolja tima. Detaljnije informacije o ovom konkursu dostupne su ovde, a krajnji rok za prijavu je 31. avgust.

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Otvoren poziv za BASF Innovation Hub 2023 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/otvoren-poziv-za-basf-innovation-hub-2023/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/otvoren-poziv-za-basf-innovation-hub-2023/#respond Mon, 17 Jul 2023 09:40:08 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/otvoren-poziv-za-basf-innovation-hub-2023/ Najveća svetska hemijska kompanija BASF organizuje treći po redu regionalni pitch događaj BASF Innovation Hub 2023, sa ciljem pružanja podrške individualnim inovatorima i startap kompanijama iz 11 zemalja Centralne i Jugoistočne Evrope, uključujući i Srbiju. Događaj pruža slobodan prostor za rast inovativnih ideja i svim...

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Najveća svetska hemijska kompanija BASF organizuje treći po redu regionalni pitch događaj BASF Innovation Hub 2023, sa ciljem pružanja podrške individualnim inovatorima i startap kompanijama iz 11 zemalja Centralne i Jugoistočne Evrope, uključujući i Srbiju. Događaj pruža slobodan prostor za rast inovativnih ideja i svim akterima omogućuje prepoznatljivost, vidljivost i investicije neophodne za dalji razvoj.

BASF Innovation Hub 2023 organizuje se u formi hibridnog događaja i sastoji se od dva glavna segmenta, nudeći tako jedinstvenu priliku inovatorima da svoja rešenja predstave i članovima žirija, ali i široj publici – prvo, kroz seriju lokalnih događaja (kao deo klastera zemalja), a potom za pobednike na klaster nivou i Grand Finale događaju. Na ovaj način obezbeđuje se veća vidljivost i razvojne prilike za dalji uspeh inovacija!

Na Grand Finale događaju biće odabran pobednik, koji dobija nepovratnu inicijalnu investiciju u iznosu od 5.000 EUR, bez obzira na to da li će BASF nastaviti da podržava ideju.

Poziv je otvoren za individualne inovatore ili startape na bilo kom nivou razvoja (od koncepta do skaliranja), čije se rešenje odnosi na misiju Envision 2050 i targetira zelenu i digitalnu transformaciju (uključujući: čiste tehnologije, cirkularnu ekonomiju i strategiju „od farme do viljuške“), i koji su u potrazi za kompanijama i partnerima koji mogu da obezbede inicijalnu finansijsku podršku, ekspertizu, konsultantske usluge i vidljivost.

Učešće je potpuno besplatno, a mogu se prijaviti i oni koji su učestvovali u prethodnim edicijama BASF Innovation Hub!
Prijave su otvorene do 29. septembra, a sve dodatne informacije, kao i formular za prijavu, nalaze se na stranici: https://join-innovationhub.com/

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Poziv doktorandima UB za prijavu na EPO kurs iz oblasti intelektualne svojine http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/poziv-doktorandima-ub-za-prijavu-na-epo-kurs-iz-oblasti-intelektualne-svojine/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/poziv-doktorandima-ub-za-prijavu-na-epo-kurs-iz-oblasti-intelektualne-svojine/#respond Mon, 10 Jul 2023 07:52:18 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/poziv-doktorandima-ub-za-prijavu-na-epo-kurs-iz-oblasti-intelektualne-svojine/ Evropska patentna organizacija (European Patent Office – EPO), u okviru Evropske Patentne Akademije (European Patent Academy), lansirala je novi program za edukaciju studenata iz oblasti zaštite intelektualne svojine – Modular IP Education Framework (MIPEF). Cilj ovog vannastavnog programa jeste uspostavljanje stabilnog alata za podršku akademskom...

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Evropska patentna organizacija (European Patent Office – EPO), u okviru Evropske Patentne Akademije (European Patent Academy), lansirala je novi program za edukaciju studenata iz oblasti zaštite intelektualne svojine – Modular IP Education Framework (MIPEF).
Cilj ovog vannastavnog programa jeste uspostavljanje stabilnog alata za podršku akademskom preduzetništvu u oblasti intelektualne svojine kroz edukaciju studenata o pitanjima zaštite intelektualne svojine i važnosti ovog aspekta za podsticanje i razvoj inovacija.

MIPEF program zapravo čini jedan kurs – ,,Kreiraj – Zaštiti – Inoviraj: Od ideje do tržišta’’ (’Create – Protect – Innovate: Bringing ideas into market’), koji se sastoji iz dva dela, početnog i naprednog. I početni i napredni deo kursa sastoje se od:

  • 5 modula, zasnovanih na primerima iz prakse, koncipiranih tako da odgovaraju modelu samostalnog učenja;
  • 3 sesije sa ekspertima iz oblasti zaštite intelektualne svojine;
  • 2 foruma sa mentorima, u okviru kojih polaznici kursa mogu da komuniciraju međusobno, ali i sa mentorima, i razmenjuju iskustva i znanja;
  • završne vežbe.

Početni nivo kursa počinje u oktobru 2023. i traje do sredine decembra 2023. godine, a sastoji se iz tematskih celina: Uvod u intelektualnu svojinu, Osnove patenta, Uvod u informacije o patentima, Informacije o patentima u praksi, i Razvoj strategije zaštite intelektualne svojine.

Napredni nivo kursa počinje u aprilu 2024. i traje do sredine juna 2024. godine, a sastoji se iz tematskih celina: Dodeljivanje patenata, Primenjivanje patenata, Istraživanje i procena tehnologije, Komercijalizacija intelektualne svojine, i Korišćenje prava intelektualne svojine.

Od polaznika se očekuje da završe oba nivoa kursa (i početni i napredni), a broj polaznika sa Univerziteta u Beogradu ograničen je na 50.

Poziv je otvoren za studente doktorskih studija Univerziteta u Beogradu, a neophodno je da do 21. jula popunite sledeću prijavuhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScq7hmxQ1a2hAwKawG9tKZgtaXT0sqpZZM_PriIxaKmffEtjw/viewform

S obzirom na to da je broj mesta ograničen, kao i to da se od primljenih polaznika očekuje da izdvoje dovoljno vremena za oba nivoa kursa, pozivamo vas da razmislite i pošaljete svoju prijavu što pre!

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Prijave za Letnju školu preduzetništva u organizaciji I.E.C.T.-a http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/prijave-za-letnju-skolu-preduzetnistva-u-organizaciji-i-e-c-t-a/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/prijave-za-letnju-skolu-preduzetnistva-u-organizaciji-i-e-c-t-a/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 09:17:44 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/prijave-za-letnju-skolu-preduzetnistva-u-organizaciji-i-e-c-t-a/ I.E.C.T. organizuje devetu po redu Letnju školu preduzetništva u periodu od 18. do 24. avgusta 2023. godine, u Tirolu, Austrija! Letnja škola je program koji se uspešno realizuje godinama unazad, pomažući inovativnim istraživačima iz celog sveta da se ozbiljno i usmereno posvete razvoju svojih deep-tech...

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I.E.C.T. organizuje devetu po redu Letnju školu preduzetništva u periodu od 18. do 24. avgusta 2023. godine, u Tirolu, Austrija! Letnja škola je program koji se uspešno realizuje godinama unazad, pomažući inovativnim istraživačima iz celog sveta da se ozbiljno i usmereno posvete razvoju svojih deep-tech poslovnih prilika.

Letnja škola preduzetništva pruža podršku učesnicima u realizaciji njihovih poslovnih ideja, povezuje inovatore sa vrhunskim ekspertima, mentorima i investitorima i priprema inovativna, deep-tech rešenja za izlazak na tržište testirajući njihov globalni komercijalni potencijal. Letnja škola namenjena je studentima master, doktorskih i postdoktorskih studija i istraživačima iz oblasti tehnologije, naprednog inženjerstva, prirodnih nauka, fizike, matematike, IT-a i veštačke inteligencije, ali i startapima u ranoj fazi razvoja naučnih ili tehnoloških projekata.

Učesnike Letnje škole očekuje sedmodnevni Bootcamp dinamičnog i interaktivnog programa, radionice iz deep-tech oblasti sa vrhunskim stručnjacima, mentorstvo u manjim grupama i individualne sesije sa ekspertima, networking događaji i, za sam kraj, Demo Dan na kom će biti predstavljene inovativne poslovne prilike pred panelom mentora i investitora.

Partneri programa pokriće troškove učešća u Letnjoj školi preduzetništva za odabrane timove.

Prijave su otvorene do 31. maja, a sve dodatne informacije, kao i sam formular za prijavu, nalaze se na stranici: https://www.iect.at/programmes/iect-summer-school

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Prijavite se za EIT InfraBooster http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/prijavite-se-za-eit-infrabooster/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/uncategorized/prijavite-se-za-eit-infrabooster/#respond Mon, 15 May 2023 12:00:43 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/prijavite-se-za-eit-infrabooster/ Otvorene su prijave za besplatan program EIT InfraBooster, koji će biti održan u online formatu 22. i 23. maja! EIT InfraBooster je program obuke za predstavnike naučnih organizacija (univerziteta i istraživačkih instituta) Zapadnog Balkana, koje raspolažu istraživačkim kapacitetima i infrastrukturom. Program ima za cilj izgradnju...

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Otvorene su prijave za besplatan program EIT InfraBooster, koji će biti održan u online formatu 22. i 23. maja!

EIT InfraBooster je program obuke za predstavnike naučnih organizacija (univerziteta i istraživačkih instituta) Zapadnog Balkana, koje raspolažu istraživačkim kapacitetima i infrastrukturom. Program ima za cilj izgradnju i jačanje postojećih kapaciteta za pružanje podrške kompanijama, kroz približavanje industrijskom sektoru, veću saradnju naučnih institucija i industrije i veću međunarodnu izloženost, ali i uspostavljanje novih izvora prihoda.

EIT InfraBooster je samo početak InfraBooster obrazovnih modula, u okviru kog će učesnici steći osnovno razumevanje inovativnih konteksta u kojima se istraživačka infrastruktura koristi kao osnova za bolju saradnju akademije i industrije. Nakon početnog modula, uslediće moduli posvećeni konkretnim oblastima: istraživačkom radu, marketingu, razvoju poslovanja, transferu tehnologije i upravljanju istraživačkim kapacitetima i infrastrukturom.

Program obuke namenjen je menadžerima istraživačke infrastrukture, naučnicima, administratorima, ekspertima za transfer tehnologije i intelektualnu svojinu, zaposlenima u istraživačkim centrima, menadžerima projekata i ekspertima za međunarodnu saradnju.

Prijave se zatvaraju 18. maja, a svi dodatni detalji nalaze se na stranici: https://learning.eitfood.eu/our-courses/infrabooster/

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Prize of 20,000 euros – a great opportunity for student teams! http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/nagrada-od-20-hiljada-evra-sjajna-prilika-za-studentske-timove/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/nagrada-od-20-hiljada-evra-sjajna-prilika-za-studentske-timove/#respond Wed, 10 May 2023 13:23:24 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/nagrada-od-20-hiljada-evra-sjajna-prilika-za-studentske-timove/ 58 European universities of science and technology, united in the non-profit academic association CESAER, have opened a call for the international student competition CESAER Student Challenge 2023, which this year has the theme ‘Contribution of Universities of Science and Technology to Sustainability’. As the theme itself implies,...

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58 European universities of science and technology, united in the non-profit academic association CESAER, have opened a call for the international student competition CESAER Student Challenge 2023, which this year has the theme ‘Contribution of Universities of Science and Technology to Sustainability’. As the theme itself implies, the goal of the competition is to provide an opportunity for student innovative teams to demonstrate the real contribution of science and technology to sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The best team, at the end of the competition, will win a prize of 20 thousand euros!

Student teams are expected to present a brand-new idea that responds to local and global challenges sustainably. The application requirements are as follows::

  • The team must be led by a leader who is an undergraduate, master’s, or Ph.D. student of one of the member universities of CESAER (among the members is the University of Belgrade);
  • There is no limit to the number of team members, and members of one team can be from one or different CESAER member universities;
  • The idea should respond to well-identified scientific, technological, and social needs and goals;
  • There must be a POC (Proof of Concept) about the technical feasibility of the solution itself; therefore, not only a scientific concept is sufficient, but also proof of its feasibility and application in practice, with a clear analysis of potential users/customers;
  • There must be a clear correlation between the solution with one or more Sustainable Development Goals.


Applications should meet three main criteria, according to which they will be evaluated:

  1. Novelty (a new approach to solving scientific and technological challenges; the solution corresponds to the real needs of the target groups; there is evidence of the possibility of application in practice);
  2. Scientific and Technological Excellence (the solution is presented and explained in accordance with the most up-to-date requirements and references; the solution is feasible; the solution is the result of an interdisciplinary approach and work);
  3. Impact and Sustainability (the solution is clearly correlated with one or more Sustainable Development Goals and contributes to environmental, economic, and social sustainability; the solution includes adequate preliminary indicators for assessing the impact and contribution to sustainable development; the solution analyzes and engages relevant target groups, i.e. users/ customers).


Given that only one team can participate in the competition in front of one CESAER member university, the University of Belgrade organizes an internal competition!
All interested student teams of the University of Belgrade can apply from May 10 to June 10, 2023, by sending a pitch deck to the email: ctt@rect.bg.ac.rs, with the indication ‘Application for CESAER competition’. An obligatory criterion within the internal competition is the analysis of the pitch deck in accordance with the three main competition criteria (novelty, scientific and technological excellence, impact and sustainability), and the presentation of solutions should clearly respond to all three criteria.

After the completion of internal applications, UB student teams will be invited to preparatory workshops, in which they will work on the quality preparation of materials for the final application to the CESAER competition.
The final application will include an abstract of the innovative idea and a short video showing the conceptual solution.
Preparatory workshops and consultations will be held (once a week) in the period from June 19 to July 17 at the University of Belgrade, after which one team will be selected to submit the final application no later than July 31, 2023.

From all applications, the three best videos will be selected and shown at the CESAER Annual Meeting at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in October 2023, and the leaders of the three selected teams will be able to join the event for free.
The winning team, as previously emphasized, will win a prize of 20,000 euros! In addition, the winning team will be provided with access to a platform that brings together experts and leaders from leading European science and technology universities, which can help them further develop an innovative solution.

We invite all interested students of the University of Belgrade to apply and take advantage of this unique opportunity! If you have a question or doubt, the CTT team is at your disposal.

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Hackathon4Future – a new opportunity for young innovators http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/hackathon4future-nova-prilika-za-mlade-inovatore/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/hackathon4future-nova-prilika-za-mlade-inovatore/#respond Fri, 05 May 2023 13:33:42 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/hackathon4future-nova-prilika-za-mlade-inovatore/ Applications are open for Hackathon4Future, an international project aimed at supporting young innovators and setting a strong base for startup development! Hackathon4Future is an online event organized on May 15 and 16, participation is completely free, and applications are open until May 10, via the...

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Applications are open for Hackathon4Future, an international project aimed at supporting young innovators and setting a strong base for startup development!

Hackathon4Future is an online event organized on May 15 and 16, participation is completely free, and applications are open until May 10, via the following form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeymjEPhsSvBIFxCdWpr6Dzf8aGrQEpN4hOPUMqiebRqL7fLA/viewform

The whole project is the result of cooperation between different European universities, incubators, but also three EIT communities, and enthusiastic individuals who want to help the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Europe.

Innovators and students from different fields (natural sciences, IT, engineering, economics, law, social sciences) can apply for participation, as part of already formed teams that are at the beginning of developing a business idea, but individuals can also apply who will, before the event, be matched with other students and become part of the team.

Teams will work to design solutions for 3 challenges:

  1. Floating vests for people with reduced mobility;
  2. Smart city applications for the elderly;
  3. Tech to prevent and address gender-based violence.

This is a great opportunity for young innovators, who will work on solving real problems, collaborate with experienced mentors and EIT representatives, and also meet colleagues from universities across Europe. The best teams will get the opportunity to apply for an international startup support program and continue working on the development of their innovative solutions.

Sign up, and good luck!

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University of Belgrade student teams at the Danube Cup 2023 competition http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/studentski-timovi-univerziteta-u-beogradu-na-takmicenju-danube-cup-2023/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/studentski-timovi-univerziteta-u-beogradu-na-takmicenju-danube-cup-2023/#respond Wed, 19 Apr 2023 09:14:09 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/studentski-timovi-univerziteta-u-beogradu-na-takmicenju-danube-cup-2023/ The University of Belgrade is, once again, one of the partners of the student startup competition Danube Cup, which provides a unique opportunity for young entrepreneurs who are already working on the development of an innovative business idea, validated among potential customers/users at least at the local...

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The University of Belgrade is, once again, one of the partners of the student startup competition Danube Cup, which provides a unique opportunity for young entrepreneurs who are already working on the development of an innovative business idea, validated among potential customers/users at least at the local level.

Last week, the national finals for the University of Belgrade teams were held, during which two student startup teams were selected to represent the University of Belgrade at the Danube Cup 2023 competition – farmit and SignAvatar!

The criteria based on which the jury selected the two winning teams were the originality of the business idea, the possibility of entering the market, the feasibility of the business idea, the development of the product/service, and the quality of the team.
The jury consisted of experts in business development, startup, and innovative entrepreneurship: Tamara Čolić Milosavljević, Technology Transfer Manager of the Center for Technology Transfer of the University of Belgrade; Dr. Jelena Nedeljković, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade; Dr. Mladen Čudanov, Full Professor of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade; Dr. Stefan Komazec, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade.

farmit is a unique farm-to-table concept that aims to provide customers with quality and healthy vegetables. The user creates a garden on the application and monitors its development over the phone, while a team of farmers and technologists takes care of its maintenance and vegetable delivery. The user also has the option of visiting the plot, and the whole concept helps to strengthen small and sustainable agricultural production.

SignAvatar is a software that translates speech into sign language using artificial intelligence and is designed to help the hearing impaired in their daily lives. Just some of the examples where it is possible to integrate SignAvatar are television, video platforms (Youtube, Tiktok), video calls (Teams, Cisco Webex), banks, schools, public transport, as well as public and state institutions. The team’s long-term vision is for SignAvatar to become globally available and accessible to every hearing-impaired person for easier integration into society.

In the following period, the selected teams will be mentored and prepared for the semi-finals (May 10, 2023, Passau), during which one team will advance to the finals of the Danube Cup competition (May 12, 2023, Regensburg).

Good luck to our great teams!

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http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/studentski-timovi-univerziteta-u-beogradu-na-takmicenju-danube-cup-2023/feed/ 0
Applications are open for Danube Cup 2023 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/otvorene-prijave-za-danube-cup-2023/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/otvorene-prijave-za-danube-cup-2023/#respond Wed, 15 Mar 2023 08:09:52 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/otvorene-prijave-za-danube-cup-2023/ The University of Belgrade is, once again, a partner of the student startup competition Danube Cup, open to startup teams from partner universities that are already developing a business opportunity, confirmed at least at the local level. Danube Cup provides a unique opportunity for young and ambitious...

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The University of Belgrade is, once again, a partner of the student startup competition Danube Cup, open to startup teams from partner universities that are already developing a business opportunity, confirmed at least at the local level.

Danube Cup provides a unique opportunity for young and ambitious entrepreneurs, but it is important to emphasize that this is not a competition of ideas – the business idea must already be validated among potential customers/users, the concept must be innovative and original, and there must be a high growth potential independent of trends in the local market.

Student teams should meet the following criteria:

  • Validation: teams should have done validation research on their business idea, at least at the local level;
  • Team size: they must have a minimum of two and a maximum of five team members, and participants can be members of only one team;
  • Student team: it is allowed to include non-students among the team members, but the majority of members should still be full-time students of the competition’s partner universities, in this case, the University of Belgrade;
  • Development phase: teams must be in the pre-seed or pre-incubator stage, without previous financial support from independent accelerators, incubators, companies, or VC funds;
  • Availability: team members must be available to participate in all phases of the competition.

Student teams, therefore, should have a confirmed business concept; should be innovative, with growth potential, in international demand; they should have already gained some market validation and have no accumulated equity capital. An existing prototype is not a prerequisite for participation.

During the competition, student teams are expected to be mentored, connected and cooperated with other student teams, mentors, entrepreneurs, and sponsors, as well as with business angels and VC funds. Valuable cash prizes await the most successful teams.

At the University of Belgrade, a pitch competition will be organized for a maximum of 25 student teams, which are already working on the development of their innovative solutions. After the pitch competition, the two selected student startup teams will be mentored and prepared for the semi-finals (May 10, 2023, Passau), during which one team will advance to the final of the competition (May 12, 2023, Regensburg).

The call for interested student startup teams at the University of Belgrade is open until March 31, 2023, and what you need to do is to contact the following e-mail addresses: ctt@rect.bg.ac.rs and mladen.cudanov@fon.bg.ac.rs (it is necessary to send an e-mail to both addresses) and submit your Pitch deck presentation (up to 20 slides).
As the competition at the University of Belgrade will be organized for a maximum of 25 teams, Pitch deck presentations will help in the process of initial team selection.

Good luck!

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Applications open for Entrepreneurship Avenue 2023 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/prijave-za-entrepreneurship-avenue-2023/ http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/en/news/prijave-za-entrepreneurship-avenue-2023/#respond Fri, 10 Mar 2023 08:59:31 +0000 http://www.ctt.bg.ac.rs/uncategorized/prijave-za-entrepreneurship-avenue-2023/ Once again, the University of Belgrade is one of the international partners of the student entrepreneurial and startup event Entrepreneurship Avenue 2023, which marks the tenth anniversary of the creation and beginning of the strengthening of student entrepreneurship at the European level! Entrepreneurship Avenue is...

The post Applications open for Entrepreneurship Avenue 2023 appeared first on Centar za transfer tehnologije.

Once again, the University of Belgrade is one of the international partners of the student entrepreneurial and startup event Entrepreneurship Avenue 2023, which marks the tenth anniversary of the creation and beginning of the strengthening of student entrepreneurship at the European level!

Entrepreneurship Avenue is actually a series of events aimed at students interested in the startup ecosystem and creating innovative business opportunities, regardless of their field of study and interests. The event’s goal is to motivate, inspire, and encourage students to join the startup ecosystem, create their own business opportunities, and network with each other at the European level. In addition, throughout the program, students have the chance to connect with potential new team members, partners, and mentors, who can lead them to the first investors.

The program begins with a kick-off event on March 21, continues with a series of online workshops during April and May focused on concrete work on developing business opportunities, and ends with a Conference on May 26 where teams will have the opportunity to present innovative solutions they have developed. The kick-off event and the final Conference will be organized in Vienna, but can also be followed online.

Anyone interested in following the kick-off event can register via the link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/entrepreneurship-avenue-2023-kickoff-tickets-542785785897

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